A Guide On Commercial Building Sanitization

The threat of bacteria and virus infection is an ongoing concern across societies. Now more than ever, with the threat of coronavirus, safety is a significant fear in public spaces. Commercial buildings can facilitate the spread of diseases due to increased public access and contact. Sanitizing commercial buildings can reduce the risk of invisible germs and vectors. 

Why Sanitize Commercial Buildings? 

Protect the health of facility users: Sanitizing commercial buildings has a positive impact on people's health. Contamination due to dirt, viruses, and pests increases the likelihood of disease contraction. For example, dust particles are a leading cause of respiratory diseases. Besides, commercial building owners have legal obligations to maintain proper sanitation in their facilities. Thus, sanitizing commercial buildings eliminates disease vectors and health hazards. 

Increased human productivity: Diseases reduce human productivity by affecting the physical and mental ability to work. More so, the time spent recuperating from illness is an opportunity cost for productive work. For these reasons, sanitizing commercial buildings as a disease preventive measure contributes to the productivity of people running commercial ventures. 

Aesthetic beauty: Commercial buildings are an investment option for individuals and realtors. Sanitizing buildings helps to increase the appeal of the structure to potential tenants. More so, sanitizing commercial buildings can create a positive lasting impression on customers, thereby boosting business. 

Methods of Sanitizing Commercial Buildings

Cleaning method: This is the most basic sanitization method. It involves wiping surfaces, furniture, and equipment, using water and detergents. Cleaning can also take the form of sweeping, scrubbing, or using a vacuum cleaner. Cleaning is effective for removing dirt and dust. 

Disinfecting: This method relies on techniques and equipment that help to kill bacteria and viruses. Different commercial disinfectants deal with disease-causing microbes. Such disinfectants rely on active ingredients like alcohol, chlorine compounds, aldehydes, and hydrogen peroxide to eliminate pathogens. 

Fumigation: Fumigation is a pest control technique. The method uses gaseous chemicals (fumigants) to suffocate and kill pests such as rodents and insects. Popular fumigants products have sulfuryl fluoride, methyl bromide, and magnesium phosphide. It is vital to ensure people vacate commercial buildings before fumigation. 

Waste disposal: Commercial buildings should have a proper water disposal procedure. The process includes availing waste bins, sorting waste, and organizing for waste collection and disposal. Notably, professionals should handle biohazard waste.

Factors To Consider In Commercial Building Sanitization

  • Consider the Occupational Health and Safety Act while developing sanitation policies.
  • Identify all the places that need sanitization. 
  • Develop a cleaning and disinfection schedule.
  • Train cleaning staff on safety procedures.
  • Consider outsourcing the services of professional cleaners  

Sanitizing commercial buildings is a sure way of enhancing health and safety. The varied methods of sanitation include cleaning, disinfecting, fumigation, and water disposal. Ultimately, follow specific guidelines and practices while sanitizing commercial buildings. For more information, reach out to a local sanitizing service, like Hive 9 Protection.
